10 Jan

Do your employees do not follow your company’s smart work wear dress code? If your answer is yes, then it’s time to consider having an official corporate wear uniform for your company, but wait, take a look at these signs if you do need custom made workwear.

  1. Showing Too Much Skin

Everyone knows Singapore is a conservative country. However if your company does not have an official corporate wear uniform/s, some of them might go against this cultural norm, especially foreign employees.

  1. Wearing Sloppy Smart Work Wear

Don’t encourage your employees to wear rumple or torn clothes, partially untucked shirts, baggy jeans or slacks, because these will make them look sloppy and very unprofessional. So don’t let this happen again, and do tell them to wear smart work wear properly.

  1. Flaunting Body Tattoos

According to a survey, flaunting body tattoos while wearing smart work wear is less likely to find employment. So, if your employees have tattoos on their arms, let them wear a custom made workwear with long sleeves.

  1. Brandish Accessories 

Prohibit your employees from wearing ear spacers, nose rings, and other assorted piercings, because working in a company should show professionalism and credibility, and wearing these aren’t presentable, especially to clients.

  1. Wearing Branded Clothes

Yes, everyone has their fashion sense, but coming to work means to work, not to show off the branded clothes they have. To ensure your employees wearing actual smart work wear or better yet, have an official corporate wear uniform that they can wear accordingly.

  1. No Colour Coordinations

Honestly, your clients are having trouble recognizing your employees, because aside from their ID, there is no other way, to check if they are an official employee of your company. So to lessen the trouble of your consumers, have a custom made workwear specifically made for your company.

Start observing your employees, and if these signs show, then consider having a custom made workwear works. But if you want to know more contact a work uniform supplier like Wiz By Neptune in Singapore and see if their custom made workwear is worth your budget!

Resources: https://wendeyyuan.kinja.com/6-signs-if-you-do-need-custom-made-workwear-1841680794 

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