27 Oct

As many people say, bad publicity is still publicity. There are two primary reasons why videos go viral online. The first is because of the positive content, and the second is problematic content. For businesses that hire a TVC production house in Singapore to build a clean brand image and reputation, going viral because of the positive things is ideal. 

Here are the elements of a video ad that is worthy of going viral online and offline:

  1. Emotion

The oldest tool in the content-creating rule book is emotion. People barely remember a bland commercial that blatantly persuades them by listing the products pros and benefits. To make a viral video advertisement, it must evoke emotion. A heartfelt drama and a little bit of sense of humour will make your video memorable.

  1. Content

Instead of going to the battered way of advertising products, many top production houses in Singapore add creativity and unusualness to the presentation of products. For example, an animation company in Singapore may add movie-like special effects to the commercial. Others try doing social experiments. Some tackle controversial and thought-provoking content.

  1. Story

Ideally, a video ad must be a minute and a half long, but have you ever wondered why five-minute advertisements go viral? It is because of the story. 

Many top production houses in Singapore attempt to make mini-movie commercials. Others, instead of well-written scripts and plots, resort to real-life stories of people. Your video ad becomes more relatable if you insert a little bit of realism through narratives. 

  1. Surprise

Sometimes, instead of cliche heartfelt drama or humour, a TVC production house in Singapore tries unexpected content. Something you rarely see in a commercial. It can be gore or horror. However, be prepared to receive conflicting opinions and criticisms. 

  1. Timing

Timing triggers video ads to go viral. Many ride on what is the current trending topic and issue online and offline. 

Go viral in a positive way by applying these elements to your next video ad. 

Zeetrope provides creative and memorable content for your business. Visit Zeetrope today.


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