13 Aug

Looking for a job is not easy even though you already have work experiences or your qualifications meet what the job description is looking for. It is mainly because there are a lot of people who are also looking for jobs which means you have a lot of competitors. It is why there are many people who want to work with recruitment agency and if you are one of these people, below are some of the things you need to remember before choosing an agency.

Do background check

There are tons of recruitment agencies that you can find even if you just search online. These agencies promise to help you in finding a job that you are qualified for. However, there are some agencies that are not legitimate or certified to give the services to their clients. It is the reason why you need to make sure to do background check of the recruitment agency before choosing it. Find out if the career placement agency is legitimate or certified so you would not have any problems while working with them.

Find out about the services

When you are looking for a recruitment agency in Singapore you will notice that there are different services they offer such as general recruitment, executive search, contract and temporary staffing, and employment and work pass application. You might not need some of the services but you have to make sure that the service you need is available in the recruitment agency you will be choosing. If you have no idea about these services, you can always check the website of the agency and read the details about it.

Put them to a test

One of the things you need to consider when choosing a recruit agency in Singapore is their customer service. Find out if they employees really care about you and will help you land the job that you are dreaming of. Make inquiries about their services or ask how they can help you when you decided to choose them as your agency. Take note whether they will assist you immediately or they will make you feel valued. It is important for you to put the agency to a test because you need to make sure that you will be valued by the agency you will choose.

Read testimonials

Past customers or clients review or give testimonials to the companies, businesses, and agencies where they availed products and services. It is the reason why you can also find testimonials of the people who already experienced dealing with recruitment agencies. Make sure to read the testimonials about the recruitment agency that you like so that you will have an idea whether the agency gives importance to people who are looking for jobs and find out about the experiences of these people.

Ask for recommendations

If you have friends or colleagues who already have experience in dealing with recruitment agencies, you can always ask them if they will recommend the agency they chose. Ask about their experiences and how the agency helped them to get the job they deserve. You can also ask about the process for you to know what you should do to be able to get the job you want.

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